MSW Hypertension Prevention for First Responders Program

The Hypertension Prevention Program at Mount Sinai aims to reduce and prevent the incidence of heart disease among New York City first responders through early diagnosis and treatment of hypertension. Self-monitoring as an intervention has been shown to reduce BP, improve adherence to antihypertensive medication, and reduce primary care consultation rates at no additional cost.
In 2017 the HTN Prevention Program was created due to the rise in premature deaths from stroke and heart attack among first responders. 20 years of OSHA data show heart attacks in first responders, with the most evidence for firefighters in particular, are the number one cause of line of duty deaths nationwide. The HTN Prevention Program connects first responders directly with the Mount Sinai Cardiology team and/or their private doctor. We identify untreated or inadequately treated high blood pressure — a leading cause of death for first responders while on duty. Most importantly, the program provides ongoing BP monitoring so you will not develop high BP without being aware of it. You can have high BP for decades and never realize it.
Knowledge is power folks!
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